The world of business can be incredibly lucrative, but also incredibly complicated. Whether you’re venturing into business for the first time or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, a good lawyer can help you at every step of the way to protect your interests. 

Nonprofit Organizations

The laws regarding nonprofit organizations can be tricky and convoluted, making starting a nonprofit company difficult without the right help. Fortunately, we are well-versed and well-experienced in getting nonprofit businesses up and running. We make filling out and drafting all the paperwork and getting, among other things, tax-exempt status an easy process when it is otherwise complicated.

In addition, there are ways to structure your nonprofit company so that you can get paid a salary while working full or part-time while still receiving all of the benefits once your business starts to receive funding. We can also structure your nonprofit so that it is eligible for grants and corporate sponsors. There are multiple ways to set up a nonprofit business tailored to your specific interests, but we can only help you if you call us.

Charter Schools

According to the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, there are more than two million students in over 5,000 public charter schools all over the country.

If you are thinking about starting your own charter school then you need to talk to a lawyer first. From drafting the necessary paperwork to reviewing contracts and signing documents, there are so many catches and pitfalls that can be avoided simply by having a skilled and knowledgeable attorney on your side.



In addition, we can help in providing general legal counsel for your school and can ensure that proper procedures and policies are followed properly to assist in the charter school’s renewal process. No matter what your need is, for any and all things related to charter schools, the legal team at the Law Offices of Bill J. Thompson can help you with it.

Business Transactions

When you run a business, you want to make sure that someone has your back in case things go awry. You want to make sure that all of your paperwork and licenses are taken care of and that you meet all the necessary requirements set forth by the state of California and we can guide you through the process.

If your business is already up and running, you will want to have a lawyer review all contracts you make with other businesses. If something goes wrong, then you want to make sure that you aren’t financially or legally responsible for something that could bankrupt or ruin your business. If something goes better than planned, you want to make sure that there is no debate between how profits are distributed among parties. Otherwise, it can lead to a lawsuit. 

No matter what business you’re in, having a good team of lawyers around always makes your life easier. As a business owner, knowing you have the proper legal representation at your back and at your disposal goes miles towards alleviating the stress when something goes either incredibly well or incredibly wrong. Don’t hesitate, call us today.